Effortless Leadership

1-1 mentorship spots open!

Make Life Work For You

Imagine you…

feel at peace in every moment, no matter what circumstance you find yourself in, knowing how to keep yourself centered and grounded;

constantly meet the right people who support your dreams, and truly accept you for who you are;

have no issue facing your fears while going after what you absolutely love to do with a courageous attitude;

would no longer be so critical, reactive and impatient with yourself or the world around you, feeling enough just the way you are;

are able to make any circumstance work your in favor, fully trusting that everything is constantly happening for your highest good…

How you respond to life is how life will respond back to you.

If you are done…

  • feeling restless, stressed and disconnected, struggling to keep yourself centered, balanced & grounded;

  • letting your self-esteem depend on achievements and external validation;

  • keeping yourself from doing or creating what your really love;

  • beating yourself up with self-criticism, feeling like you’ve never done enough and have a constant pressure to perform;

  • making fear-fueled decisions, preparing for negative outcomes.

And are ready to…

  • live with peace of mind, feeling balanced and grounded;

  • become your own source of confidence regardless of your external achievements;

  • create and live a life in alignment with your values and true desires;

  • integrate kindness, patience & compassion in your relationship with self;

  • let go of control and approach life with solid trust in yourself.

Then you are ready to become an Effortless Leader!

As an Effortless Leader you will enable yourself to live, lead & create…

  • with peace of mind, turning your mind, body, and heart into your greatest asset, which will make people feel safe, grounded and comfortable in your presence;

  • with authenticity, feeling confident to express yourself, helping you to build and attract strong relationships;

  • with courage to follow your purpose and go against the herd;

  • with patience, kindness and compassion towards yourself and others; becoming less critical of yourself and those around you;

  • with unwavering trust, enabling you to master any storm and make life work in your favor all the time!


1. Awareness Expansion

We can’t shift what we can’t see.

Every breakthrough or transformation you experience will be preceded by an increase in self-awareness.
Whether it’s becoming aware of a deep fear, limiting belief or hard truth you have to accept, the only reason you’ll be able to shift it is because you’ll have increased your self-awareness in some area of your life.

To shift our life ‘out there,’ we must become aware of what’s happening ‘in here.’

One of my core tasks as your mentor is to expand your self-awareness on a continuous basis. Yet I don’t just focus on your mental awareness. The real wisdom is found not in the mind, but in the body. This is about body- and emotional awareness/regulation.

Making you aware on how your body responds to certain questions, situations or circumstances will allow you to make better, aligned, and authentic decisions efficiently. You’ll become able to lead from your intuitive side, your heart, your gut, whatever you want to call it, which will align you a lot faster with your Effortless Self.

Get ready to come from a place of knowing instead of thinking.

In the end, only you know what’s best for you and your journey.
Your mind is simply trying to logically make sense of what your body already knows.

2. The Cycle of Creation

Your external world is a continuous reflection of your internal world.

Your internal world—thoughts, beliefs, and emotional state—influences the decisions you make.

The decisions you make and the actions you take are preceded by how you internally feel and what you believe and think to be true (beliefs).

Your behavior and actions lead to certain results, which in turn influence your internal experience. And so the cycle continues.

Realizing that you are responsible for what you see and achieve puts you in a place of power. You are the creator of what you experience.

Once you truly accept this truth, you will understand that you have the power to influence what you see and attract ALL THE TIME.

Applying this framework in your life and how you lead yourself and others will massively transform the impact you have on your outcomes.

This is how you gain control over your life and your outcomes.

3. The FACCT Process - 5 Stages

  • Becoming Peace

    This is all about releasing anything that’s making you too heavy to become Effortless.

    Learn how to release mental, physical and emotional stress by applying different tools and practices in combination with guided meditations.

    Make peace with your past, cultivate peace of mind, and learn how to protect it.

    Learn the process of letting go and increase your body- and emotional awareness.

    This ultimately will allow others to feel more comfortable and at peace in your presence.

  • Becoming You

    It’s time to remember yourself who you truly are and fully become you.

    Together we’ll go deep into what truly matters to you and how you define yourself. Detach from external validation, achievements, and material possessions.

    Become your own source of confidence and happiness through radical self-acceptance.

    You’ll discover how you might not be living in alignment with your true, Effortless Self.

    This will help you attract and build real, authentic relationships effortlessly, without feeling the need to hide any part of yourself.

  • Becoming Badass

    Life favors the bold. Boldness demands that you dare to go against the herd. Taking decisions based on love and courage instead of holding back parts of yourself out of fear.

    Learn to recognize which fears are still holding you back and how you can use fear as a guide to rapid personal transformation.

    This is about cultivating courage and leading from the Heart, daring to go for what you know is right for you, doing what you absolutely Love!

  • Becoming Kind

    Transform negative self-talk and eliminate self-criticism by integrating patience, kindness, curiosity, and compassion into your relationship with yourself.

    As you do this, people will naturally begin to like and trust you.

    They’ll enjoy being around you and will be inspired to reflect the same qualities.

    Just imagine the beautiful ripple effect this could have on the world.

  • Becoming Trust

    Reprogram how you deal with obstacles and challenging times and make everything work in your favor.

    Learn to stay centered and grounded, and stop being pulled into the drama around you.

    By doing so, you will show up as the leader people are seeking in today’s chaotic world.

    You’ll easily earn respect and become highly sought after for your ability to master any storm.

1 -1 Mentorship

Master how you respond to life and make life work for you.

Working with me is not about becoming rich, building a successful business, or finding the love of your life within a specific amount of time.

I help you master your state of being and how you deal with stress, uncertainty, challenges, and obstacles, making sure you master your day-to-day circumstances.

Because once you feel at peace, abundant, empowered and confident internally, your external world will simply become a reflection of that internal state.

You will become magnetic for all the right opportunities, people, and circumstances in your personal, professional and relationship life.

What you can expect…

  • How to become magnetic;

  • Depth, bonding, transformation, and fun;

  • Grow and learn in an easy, fun, and effortless way;

  • Tools to help you release physical, mental, and emotional blockages;

  • Frameworks to help you master your mental, emotional, and physical game.

What’s included?

Weekly/bi-weekly or monthly deep-dive calls

Direct access to me through WhatsApp,
you will always receive a reply within 24h.

Access to my broad network of experts and specialists on personal transformation.
As soon as I feel you need help from an expert in some field, I will happily pay your session if I feel you’ll highly benefit from it.

I am with you in the process, not limiting myself to you in 1-1 calls, I am there, right by your side, ready to help you shift your state or perspective when it matters the most: in the moment.


Starts at € 1.500

Feel free to reach out for payment options! (crypto, installments, payment plans,….)
*Businesses based in EU-countries (except for Belgium) are exempt from TAV, in all others cases 21% will be added to the base price.

So, are you in?

  • Stef's energy is really inspiring & contagious!

    He inspired and helped me to get out of my head and trust my intuition more instead. I gained more confidence and am able to focus more on the path forward instead of what lies behind me.

    Matthijs, Engineer & Inventor Bruse

  • I discovered what I had to focus on in life and how to build a business that excites me again!

    Stef helped me to feel more energized and confident to take action again. Working with him will set you on fire and he makes you believe in yourself like you’ve never done before!

    Simon, Owner ProntoFix

  • Stef helped me to let go of my overthinking and to focus more on who I wanted to become.

    I feel mentally strong and peaceful at the same time. I’m more motivated and confident after our time working together and have finally started my own company!

    Quinten, Owner Fysiomass

  • Stef his magic really works!

    The tools Stef shared with me helped me to regulate my mind, body and emotions. Increasing my body- and emotional awareness helped me to step into overwhelming situations with more courage and confidence which led to stunning results!

    Kalon, Self Development Enthusiast